Gas Prices Could Hit A New Low For 2023 In Florida
With the cost of just about everything on the rise, there’s good news as gas prices could hit a new low for 2023 in Florida.
As we’ve all noticed, prices have gone up in just about every category of life. With gas being a necessity, many individuals and families are feeling the high cost of fuel, making it an unwelcome burden on already tight finances. Some cities have ample public transportation that provides a good alternative, but in a place like Fort Myers, we need our vehicles to get around. But there is good news, that while it isn’t cheap, gas prices are beginning to fall. In fact, according to AAA, gas prices are the lowest they have been in seven months.
I took a road trip this weekend up to Orlando, and while my car gets great gas mileage, it’s still a full tank, plus a little extra. Yesterday on the way back, I stopped in Punta Gorda for gas and paid $3.19. I was pretty happy with that, it’s the least I’ve paid in a while!
AAA says gas in Florida could hit a new low
As of today, October 23rd, the national average price for a gallon of gas is $3.54. But in Florida, the state’s average is $3.22, which is 11 cents lower than last week’s average. AAA spokesman Mark Jenkins said in a press release: “Gas prices are still following the downward momentum created by the seasonal downturn in fuel demand, coupled with stronger gasoline supplies and the switch to cheaper winter blend gasoline.”
If you are doing some traveling around the state of Florida, you will see gas prices vary throughout the state. Tampa, Orlando and Pensacola are some of the least expensive cities for gas. The most expensive include West Palm Beach-Boca Raton, Naples and Tallahassee.