Why Mosquitoes Are Attracted To Some People More Than Others
Do you ever feel like mosquitoes seem to be attracted to some people more than others? You’re not crazy, it’s a real thing and science has come to the rescue to explain it.
While Florida is known for sunshine, beaches, sunsets and year-round warm temperatures, one of the downsides to paradise is mosquitoes. Florida is home to over 80 species of this pesky bug. While sometimes it seems they’re worse than usual, I don’t think anyone is ever excited for them. Whoo mosquitoes! I think not.
A friend of mine is convinced that she is the only one who gets bit by these pests while the rest of her family is never bothered. If you feel the same, there could be some truth to that.
A new study just published in Cell.com tested how attracted mosquitoes are to body odor. Researchers found that what mosquitoes find enticing on certain individuals is carboxylic acid, especially when combined with ammonia and lactic acid. So while we may not know exactly what that “good smell” smells like, or why some people produce more of it than others, your body odor determines how much mosquitoes like you.
Mosquitoes also find those that are pregnant or have drank beer to be rather tasty. Why? Drinking beer releases the ethanol content in your sweat and pregnancy causes an increased release of carbon dioxide, both of which make you a mosquito magnet.
Solo una playa de Florida en la lista de las mejores de Estados Unidos
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