Centro de Tormentas Playa 99.3

Centro de Tormentas Playa 99.3

Centro de Tormentas Playa 99.3

(Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Right now, all eyes are on Hurricane Ian, but even when there isn’t a threat of a storm, living in Florida it’s a good idea to have a hurricane kit and you might be wondering what exactly you should put in it.

If you were out shopping this weekend, you may have seen the panic buying that some people were doing, stocking up on water, bread and toilet paper. It’s good to be prepared, but there’s a fine line between that and panicking. So you’re better off having a hurricane kit ready to go at the start of the season so you’re not freaking out when talk of a storm starts.

If you haven’t prepared, we have a few more days yet, so I recommend heading to the store today and grabbing a few essentials just in case.

And that’s not just for if you’re staying in town, it could also come in handy if you evacuate.

Of course, the decision to evacuate isn’t easy, but you want to make it as easy as possible but not having to hurriedly pack and possibly leave something you need behind, and being on the road, some supplies may be limited so it’s smart to have plenty ready to go. Also, you don’t want to have to waste time making stops trying to find things when you’re trying to get out.

Even if you’ve gone years without needing it, it’s better to be prepared and have one at the ready just in case.

SOURCE: Pelican.com

What To Put In Your Hurricane Kit:

  • Water

    No need to go overboard, but it’s a good idea to have a minimum of one gallon of fresh, clean water per day per person.

  • Food

    Pack at least a three-day supply of non-perishable packaged food. Prioritize foods that don’t require cooking but will provide plenty of nutrients such as granola bars, canned tuna and beef jerky.

  • First Aid Kit

    Nothing too elaborate, but be able to handle basic cuts, scrapes, and burns 

  • Flashlight

    You never think you need a flashlight until you need one and when the power goes out, especially at night, you don’t want to be without. Make sure to pack some extra batteries as well. 

  • Radio

    A battery-powered or hand crank radio is a good way to keep up with weather updates. 

  • Multi-Tool with Wrench and Pliers

    These tools can come in handy if you need to turn off utilities like water and gas systems. 

  • Chargers

    Keeping your phone charged allows you to stay in communication with others. Car chargers, wall chargers, and a “power block” backup charger are all good to have on hand. 

  • A Change of Clothes

    No need to pack for a vacation, but having a change of dry clothes is smart for each family member 

  • Can Opener

    If you’re packing canned food like tuna and soup, make sure to have a can opener 

  • Local Maps

    We’re so used to opening our phones to pull up a map, but if you don’t want to use what’s left of the charge or you don’t have a charged phone, having a paper map (preferably waterproof) can help with navigation

  • Emergency Contact List

    Much like with maps, if your contact list is in your phone, it may not be accessible. Make a hard copy list of key phone numbers and keep it in a waterproof sleeve or bag. Also include important documents like IDs, home insurance papers, and bank account records. 

  • Gas

    It’s important to have a full tank and a full can ready to go. You’ve probably seen people with multiple containers filling up at the gas station, which leads to shortages, but gas goes “stale” when stored for too long, so if you do overfill, make sure to add some fuel stabilizer to your gas to keep it fresh.

  • Cash

    Not many of us carry cash on a regular basis, but stores may not be able to accept cards if power or phone lines are out. Same with ATM’s that could be inoperable. The recommendation is to have a few hundred dollars on hand.

  • Baby Formula/Food and Diapers

    Try to have at least three days’ supply.

  • Medications

    Make sure to have a backup supply of any prescriptions. Pain relievers, antacids, and cold medicine can also be useful.

  • Disposable Plates/Utensils

    Paper plates and plasticware can make eating on the road a lot easier 

  • Entertainment

    Usually we’d put on the tv or open our phones to stay entertained, but with no power, make sure you have books, games and puzzle books to stay busy

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