Hurricane Ian mental health help is available in Southwest Florida and officials are encouraging residents to take advantage of it. Nearly 50 million people in the United States are living with mental health issues according to Mental Health America. And that is on a regular basis. Throw in a traumatic event like Hurricane Ian, and even those not dealing with these issues are struggling.

Hugs are powerful. Some health experts say they lower stress among other benefits.
The number things causing distress are too numerous to mention. Everything from the sound of the wind, to the smell of rotting debris, to the visuals of the destruction. And we haven’t even touched on the personal loss experienced by so many people.
Some of the disaster relief centers in Southwest Florida offer some sort of mental health services. Other organizations are embarking on community outreach programs. They are going out into various neighborhoods and gathering places, offering services and lending an ear to anyone who just needs to talk.
Besides mental health assistance, there are a variety of issues to navigate in wake of Hurricane Ian. Everything from FEMA to electric to food and water. Here is a comprehensive list on where you can find the resources you need throughout your hurricane recovery. And finally, below is a list of organizations with people standing by to support your mental health through this stressful time.
Please, take time to take care of yourself.