Southwest Floridians are mostly spoiled when it comes to winter weather. While most of the rest of the country is buried in snow or bundled up, we still get to keep our shorts, t-shirts and sun dresses to the front of our closets. Our weather is even warmer than other parts of Florida like Orlando, Tampa and definitely Tallahassee. Floridians and cold weather don’t always get along. It’s usually paradise this time of year. However, something strange has been happening in the last few weeks with multiple, long lasting cold streaks. Here are 5 funny things Floridians say and do when it gets cold outside for TikTok Tuesday.
The stretch of cold weather has Floridians taking to their social media accounts with lots of tongue in cheek and humorous videos. In addition, there are all kinds of videos explaining strange phenomena that occur in The Sunshine State when the temps dip. Things like falling iguanas. You have to admit, some of those photos are quite unbelievable. I love the fact that I can open my windows and give the AC a break. However, there is a limit to how low the thermometer should go and for how long. After all, we are in Florida to escape the cold weather.
I’ve put together five videos that made me laugh and stood out in my feed this week. All dealing with the cold weather. If you don’t have a TikTok account, don’t worry. We will use mine. All you have to do is scroll down and hit play from this post. In addition, all of these videos are office friendly and kid friendly.