This Adorable Orangutan is the Cutest of All Baby Animals
When it comes to little baby animals, nothing is more adorable than a baby orangutan. Well, get ready for some cute overload because Busch Gardens Tampa Bay recently welcomed a…

When it comes to little baby animals, nothing is more adorable than a baby orangutan. Well, get ready for some cute overload because Busch Gardens Tampa Bay recently welcomed a new baby, Bornean Orangutan, into the world! The best part is that this little cutie is also bringing hope for conservation efforts! This one's arrival is especially significant as she is part of an endangered species.
So, according to wildlife experts Busch Gardens, Luna, the mother orangutan underwent a successful C section on Saturday, April 13, 2024. The newborn weighed in at three pounds and four ounces. This impressive bundle of joy had a whole dedicated team of experts ready to ensure that both Luna and her baby received care before and after the birth.
We love Baby Animals:

As of now, mama Luna is recuperating from her surgery in comfort at her Busch Gardens Tampa Bays habitat. Once she's back on her feet and her little munchkin is ready to explore the world, they'll reunite for some quality bonding time, under the watchful eyes of the parks expert animal care team.
I have to say that whenever I think of little baby animals like orangutans, it's impossible for me not to smile. These guys are the third-largest apes on the planet and the kings of the treetops! However, unfortunately, they face endangerment. As cool as these guys are, there aren't many of them left in the wild.
Don't worry! Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is taking action. They're involved in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Species Survival Plan. They're dedicated to protecting endangered species such as Bornean orangutans. It's not just about ensuring their safety, but it's also about educating people like us on how we can help out too.
Can't get enough Baby Animals:

If you're interested in keeping up with Luna and her adorable baby, follow Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, on social media. Be sure to hit that like and follow button to show the cute baby animals some love!
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay celebrates the arrival of a critically endangered baby Bornean Orangutan, underscoring their dedication to conservation efforts for vulnerable species and adorable baby animals.
5 Adorable And Hilarious Animal Videos To Boost Your Mood
It is hard not to smile when you see a cute animal. It seems like more businesses in Southwest Florida are becoming more pet friendly. I even saw an old fashioned carriage with two fluffy dogs instead of babies, at an indoor bar in Fort Myers over the weekend. That raised a few eyebrows. However, when dogs are taken to hospitals, nursing homes, schools and such, healthcare experts say it is beneficial to the patients. Many dogs, and cats too, have a way of calming nerves and anxiety. The internet is full of cute videos of animals doing funny things and this week I found some good ones. If you want a good laugh, check out these 5 adorable and hilarious animal videos to boost your mood for TikTok Tuesday.
Dogs and cats may be prominent on social media but they are certainly not the only animals doing funny things. In some cases, it's the videographer who is doing the funny things with animals as stars. The audio is also key for many of them. You'll see a couple of great examples when you scroll down. Click here for a video I made at a donkey sanctuary on the island of Bonaire a few years ago. The audio was trending at the time so I cold not resist using it.
If you don't have a TikTok account, don't worry. I've made it easy to view by taking these links from mine. Simply scroll down and hit play from this post. In addition, all of these videos are office and kid friendly. In fact, the kids will love these and likely want to watch again. Share with your friends who could also use a good laugh today or a pick-me-up today.
Enjoy these 5 adorable and hilarious animal videos to boost your mood.
EDM Chicken Dance
These chickens crack me up. This is one you have to have the audio up for to get the full effect. I've watched it a dozen times. This is the video that initially sent me down the rabbit hole of funny animal videos. Enjoy.
Leaping Llamas
This is another one with funny audio. It's also one you have to watch to the end. I'm not just saying that to keep you watching. The last shot is the best and it makes the entire video. It's a perfect finale but the whole thing is fun to watch.
Here Piggy Piggy
Talk about cute. Those little pink noses crack me up. Who knew pigs could actually look cuddly too. It almost makes you want one. Excpet they wont stay cute and little fovever.
Talking Dogs Are The Best
The way they make this dog look like he is talking is great. You've got to have the audio on as it is a big part of the video. It's not only funny but the dog is beautiful. What personality he has too.
Compilation Video For Thie Win
You can't beat a good compilation video for times like this. The dogs here are hilarious, make funny sounds and so do the humans. The faces on some of these dogs will crack you up. Sorry cat owners, I'll hook you up with videos next time. It's about the dogs today.