
Florida Man’s Fake Bomb Threat On Himself Blows Up in His Face

Down here in Southwest Florida, a bomb threat is taken very seriously. Just recently, a school in Cape Coral got us all on edge after some idiot made a threat….

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(Photo by Maja Hitij/Getty Images)

Down here in Southwest Florida, a bomb threat is taken very seriously. Just recently, a school in Cape Coral got us all on edge after some idiot made a threat. Lucky for us, law enforcement was on top of it. Someone should have told that to Kyle McHenry, this 20-year-old Florida man who thought he could outsmart the police.

According to WFLA, Kyle decides he's going to play the revenge game by sending himself bomb threats and creepy emails. I'm not sure why anyone would think that was a good idea. Anyway, Kyle's inbox starts filling up with all kinds of nonsense, including threats about bombs on his grandpa's property and other violent stuff aimed at him.

Feeling like he's getting nowhere with the authorities, Kyle decides to take matters into his own hands. He picks up the phone and calls the Fort Myers police, demanding to know why they haven't busted the person he's been accusing. Oh, Kyle. These guys are pros at sniffing out baloney...

Bomb Threat Dud:

Just when Kyle's thinking he's got this whole revenge thing figured out, the detectives drop a major truth bomb on him... You know Kyle, filing a false police report is a crime, right? That's when Kyle starts feeling the heat and caves. He admits to sending those crazy emails himself, pretending to be someone else, all in an insane attempt to get back at someone. What?!

When the cops ask him straight up if he sent those emails to himself, Kyle's like, "Yeah, it was me." Smooth move, Kyle, real smooth. Now, my man, Kyle, is looking at charges of making false reports, fraud, and misusing evidence. Just when Kyle thought he could get away with this crazy plan, it all blew up in his face. But hey, at least he's got the decency to admit he messed up.