Know the Law: When To Safely Stop For School Buses And Keep Kids Safe
It’s hard to believe it’s back to school time already and it’s important to know the rules of when to stop for school buses to keep kids safe. This morning…

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
It's hard to believe it's back to school time already and it's important to know the rules of when to stop for school buses to keep kids safe.
This morning kids all over the Fort Myers and Naples areas woke up before noon for the first time in 2 months. As summer vacation came to an end and they embarked on their first day of school. The once-empty sidewalks now bustle with kids wearing their brand new backpacks. They're ready to see all their friends again, and make new ones. The air is filled with giggles and the smell of hot lunch coming from the cafeteria.
If you're driving on the roads when buses are out, it's important to remind yourself of the rules when it comes to bus safety. Of course, the #1 priority to keep kids safe. But you also don't want a ticket for not obeying the law. In fact, WFLA reports that in 2021, the penalties for not stopping or passing a stopped school bus were doubled. It's just not worth it.
So when do I need to stop?
While some of this might be obvious, after 2 months of absent buses, it's always good to remind yourself. On two-lane roads, all drivers need to stop for a school bus that has the stop signal out. You have to stay stopped until kids are out of the road and the bus stop arm and stop signal are pulled back in. If you're on a multi-lane road with a paved median, drivers going both directions need to stop. If you're on a divided highway, if you are driving behind a bus, you need to stop. Drivers going in the opposite direction can keep going, but proceed carefully.
What happens if I get caught not obeying the law?
It's just not worth it to drive recklessly and not take the time to stop for school buses. If you're worried about the stops, leave a few minutes earlier. If you do not stop and are caught passing a stopped school bus you can get a moving violation with a requirement to do driving school, 4 points on your license and a minimum fine of $165, going up to $265 if it's on the side where kids get on and off the bus.
Stay safe this school year!
15 Fictional Pets You Wish Were Your Own
Real pets, fictional pets, we love them all. Most humans tend to love animals. There's a reason dogs are called man's best friend.
You can talk to your pet and they won't talk back. They love you unconditionally and they show you. They make the cutest little faces that melt your heart.
When we lose a pet, it's like losing a member of the family, well it is losing a member of the family. They become your children, siblings to your kids, they're one of us.
When we came across this list of fictional pets, we had to share. Ranker recently put a list together of some of the cutest fictional pets on the big screen and television over the last several decades, that you wish were your own.
There are far too many to share here, so you can see all of the adorably famous pups and pets here. I went ahead and chose the top 15 based off of my discussion with my co worker Joe.
We were both surprisingly passionate about these on screen animals. I got especially pulled in seeing Shadow from Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. My kids refuse to watch movies that aren't in HD, so I forget about some of my own childhood favorites.
Clearly from my list, you'll see I prefer dogs. I did rank these in order of my personal favorites. Tell us yours in the comments.
Here are 15 Fictional Pets You Wish Were Your Own
15. Chance
By the end of this list, you'll see this movie is a favorite of mine. Chance was so loveable and playful and always getting into trouble.
14. Garfield
Garfield's attitude was my favorite. Not a care in the world. Just give him some lasagna.
13. Lassie
Sweet and innocent just like little Timmy. One of my all time favorites growing up.
12. Tigger
Seriously? What's not to love about Tigger! So much energy. All. The. Time. Maybe we should change the term to "Big Tigger Energy"
11. Beethoven
St. Bernard's are enormous and I'm not sure how I would do with a dog this size in real life. But, his cuddly face and antics are adorable.
10. Clifford
My mom dressed up as Clifford for a book fair when I was in 4th grade. I always remember that and think that's why he stands out.
9. Abu
Another family reference here. My brother's all time fave. Abu is loyal and a true sidekick.
8. Astro
His love for Elroy and George is unmatched. The way he said "I ruv roo, Reorge." Aww so cute!
7. Dino
The excitement Dino has greeting Fred is very similar to my dog after going 30 minutes without seeing me.
6. Gizmo
It's like he's so ugly he's cute, if that makes sense. But, it would be fun to have a little Gizmo running around. Not so sure the dog would enjoy it.
5. Pascal
Pascal always keeps us laughing. Good to have around.
4. Toothless
I mean what is better than a pet that flies and breathes fire?
3. Comet
Lovable old Comet. One of my favorite shows growing up. He was always there to listen, even though he couldn't talk back. More people should take a page out of Comet's book.
2. Gus
Oh my gosh, Gus Gus! His little face. I love him more than Cinderella.
1. Shadow
Old and wise. Man's best friend. I absolutely love Shadow.