
I Wanted To Test The Florida Voting System So I Waited Until Election Day To Vote

I was curious. I wanted to test the voting system in Florida. Sure, I received numerous notices about voting early and voting by mail. I just wanted the experience of…

Florida voting

I was curious. I wanted to test the voting system in Florida. Sure, I received numerous notices about voting early and voting by mail. I just wanted the experience of voting on Election Day. Particularly, voting in Lee County, which was ravaged by Hurricane Ian. Because of the impact of Hurricane Ian, numerous Election Day polling places in Lee County are unavailable. A lot less places for people to go and vote. So this is where I want to do my test. It's also where I live.

I pulled into the Estero Rec Center drive and noticed the absolute wall of signs encouraging me who to vote for. To be honest, there were so many of them I didn't see what any of them were about. I'm sure the people putting them up had fun, but when there's that many it's just a blur.

I parked my car and got in line at 8:42 this morning.

The people in line were quite friendly. We talked about everything but politics. This upcoming Tropical Storm/Hurricane Nicole is on everyone's mind. Also, it seems that everyone here is originally from Ohio.

At 9:48 I got into the Estero Rec Center. Tom Petty was playing in the background. We were greeted and given some basic rules and what to expect once we got to the polling room. Everyone is so friendly.

Once inside the polling room I showed my Florida driver's license and got my ballot. Someone met me at the voting booth to explain how everything works. Very thorough. You inserted your paper ballot into a machine and then used a touch screen to cast your votes. Once completed, the machine prints out your choices onto the paper ballot. You walk your ballot over to a second machine and feed it your ballot. That's it. Grab your free sticker, a squirt of the hand sanitizer, and go.

I left the Rec Center at 9:56. So factoring in drive time the whole voting process took about 90 minutes. Not bad at all considering everything we've been through these past 6 weeks. I was pleasantly surprised on just how smooth this Florida voting thing was. Nice job Lee County.

More about Nicole:

Actualización de la tormenta tropical Nicole del condado de Lee

Los funcionarios del condado de Lee brindaron hoy una actualización sobre la tormenta tropical Nicole.

Los impactos anticipados en este momento incluyen lo siguiente.

    El condado es consciente de que muchos residentes viven en casas dañadas debido al huracán Ian o pueden quedarse en casas rodantes o tiendas de campaña en su propiedad. Las siguientes opciones de refugio estarán disponibles.   Alico Arena ahora está abierto como refugio y admite mascotas. Se inauguró a las 10 de la mañana de hoy.   El Centro Recreativo de North Fort Myers abrirá como refugio a las 7 am el miércoles 9 de noviembre y admitirá mascotas. Por favor, no vaya allí hoy, ya que es un lugar de votación.

    Mire el video a continuación o lea el resumen completo a continuación.

    El condado se compromete a mantenerlo actualizado. El condado ha compartido la información sobre la tormenta tropical Nicole en el sitio web del huracán Ian.  Hay más información disponible en .  Siga a @Lee County Government en Facebook,


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                  Florida Voting

                  Joe Winner spends his days combing through memes and off beat stories to bring you the side of Florida not always seen.