Florida Schools May Not Reopen This Fall
During a senate panel yesterday, Dr. Fauci gave no clear recommendation as to whether schools should reopen this fall. He said school openings should be on a case-by-case basis depending…

(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
During a senate panel yesterday, Dr. Fauci gave no clear recommendation as to whether schools should reopen this fall.
He said school openings should be on a case-by-case basis depending on the impacts of the virus in the area. Eight vaccines are in clinical trials but don't expect them to be ready by the start of fall semester. Making the decision as to whether or not to reopen much more difficult.
The Florida Department of Education wants to reopen campuses this fall, but no decision has been made.
Although mortality rates for younger people are lower, there's still a chance of an asymptomatic child bringing home the virus and infecting their older relatives.
No decision has been made, but make plans, because your kids being home all next school year might just happen.
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