
Hurricane Survival Kit Checklist

Hurricane Survival Kit Checklist Having a basic survival kit on‐hand to sustain yourself and your family after an emergency is an essential part of preparation. Start your kit by reviewing…

Hurricane Survival Kit Checklist

Having a basic survival kit on‐hand to sustain yourself and your family after an emergency is an essential part of preparation.

Start your kit by reviewing the lists below to see what you need.

Food Service Needs
 Drinking water: 1 gallon per person per day: 3‐7 day supply
 Non‐perishable food that meets your dietary requirements: 3‐7 day supply
 Manual can opener or pop top cans/containers and eating utensils
 Juice/soft drinks/instant coffee or tea
 Plastic wrap/zip‐lock bags/garbage bags
 Paper plates, cups, aluminum foil
 Cooler for food storage and ice
 Lighter/matches, pots/pans
 Camp stove or grill ‐ outdoor use only!

Personal Items
 Sleeping bags, pillows, blankets
 Lawn chairs, folding chairs, cots
 Personal hygiene items (toothbrush, soap, deodorant, denture care, etc.)
 List of emergency contact information
 Prescriptions & over the counter meds
 Spare glasses, contacts, cleaning solution
 Extra hearing aid batteries
 Baby/infant needs (diapers, formula,extra clothes, etc.)
 Rain gear, hot and cold weather clothing
 Closed‐toe work shoes (no sandals)

Sanitation/Clean up Supplies
 Water for cleaning
 Unscented bleach to disinfect water
 Rubber gloves
 Wet wipes and waterless hand sanitizer
 Toilet paper, paper towels, sanitary supplies
 Filter face masks (Dust Mask)
 Assorted cleaners and disinfectants
 Brooms, mops, towels and rags
 Bucket with tight fitting lid for emergency toilet

Pets & Service Animals
 Water ‐ 1 gallon per day for each animal: 7 day supply
 Cage or carrier for each animal
 Food and treats
 Toys and comfort items
 Clean up supplies
 Immunization records and photos Basic Safety Equipment
 NOAA Weather Radio
 First Aid Kit and Instruction Book
 Landline telephone (does not require batteries or electricity)
 Battery powered television, radio, clock
 Flashlights
 Extra batteries
 Chemical Light Sticks (to replace candles)
 Whistle (to signal for help if needed)

Basic Tools
 Basic tool kit (hammer, wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, etc.)
 Specialized tools for water and gas valves, etc.
 Plastic tarps with grommets or roll plastic sheeting
 Assorted screws, nails or other fasteners
 Duct tape
 Canvas or leather work gloves

Miscellaneous Items
 Spare keys (home, vehicles, boats, etc.)
 Important papers
 ID (driver's license, insurance cards, etc.)
 Cash, credit cards, coins, checks
 Prepaid telephone cards
 Pens, pencils and paper
 Maps and evacuation information
 Keepsakes, significant photos, etc.
 Books, games and other quiet entertainment

Medical Equipment
 Medical equipment and assistive devices
 Cooler with an ice pack if medications need to be refrigerated
 Medical alert tags or bracelets to identify your disability‐related need Disinfect Water with Bleach Use household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper: 9 parts water to 1 part bleach can be used as a disinfectant.   Use 16 drops of bleach to 1 gallon of water can be used to treat water in an emergency (do not use scented, color safe, or bleaches with added cleaners).