
6 Hilarious Florida Redneck Word Of The Day Videos

Southwest Florida is a melting pot. People move here from all over the country and world for our beautiful beaches and welcoming hospitality. While the demographics continue to change, one…

Man with a mustche and mullet haircut pointing at the camera for the Florida Redneck word of the day
(Photo by Sam Mooy/Getty Images)

Southwest Florida is a melting pot. People move here from all over the country and world for our beautiful beaches and welcoming hospitality. While the demographics continue to change, one thing remains the same, our beloved rednecks. To foster understanding, let's learn some vocabulary with these 6 hilarious Florida Redneck word of the day videos.

Turn up your sound, scroll down and have a good laugh or two here for TikTok Tuesday.

Florida Redneck Word Of The Day

One of the things I love about comedy is being able to poke fun at people. As long as it is not mean spirited. A video from Jon Newsome crossed my social media feed and his humor made me laugh. He is the creator of the Redneck Word Of The Day series on TikTok.

Growing up in Florida, I had a neighbor that sounded just like him. Sometimes he put on the redneck routine a little thick for entertainment. But most of the time he was genuine and became a great family friend.

Do you remember comedian Jeff Foxworthy's routine and book "You Might Be a Redneck"? Newsome, made me think of him as well. I love how commited he is to this character, even donning mullet wigs and such.

If you don't have a TikTok account, don't worry. I've made it easy to view by taking these links from mine. Simply scroll down and watch from this post. You need to have the volume up though. This guy's delivery is priceless and a big part of what makes it funny.

By the way, these videos are office friendly although slightly irreverant at times. Hope they give you a good laugh today. Share with friends who appreciate a good redneck joke too.

Finally, here are 6 of my favorites, hilarious Florida Redneck word of the day videos.


Here we go with word number one. Also, wig number one. Fortify is the word and he delivers it well.


And here we go with wig number two. It also pokes fun at some redneck and even deep south stereotypes. Family "love" comes into question.


Newsome gets a little help from his friends for this one. The wig is replaced with another prop for a little extra effect. Here ya go...quesadilla.


Check out this wig. I had to listen twice to this at first. Another silly interpretation. Enjoy.


OK, I think this one we can all relate too. Or have at some point. You might think of it next time you fill up this week.


Return of the blond wig and the final redneck word of the day. I like the names he uses for his pretend friends as well. Par for the course.