
Unwanted Passengers Can Lead To Car Crashes

In bumper to bumper traffic a bee buzzes by your face. Barreling down the highway you glance down and see a spider working his way up your calf. Don’t let…

A grasshopper sitting on a steering wheel.
Patrick Hatt/ iStock / Getty Images Plus

In bumper to bumper traffic a bee buzzes by your face. Barreling down the highway you glance down and see a spider working his way up your calf. Don't let incidents like these lead to car crashes.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an insect in your vehicle heightens your risk of crashing by over 6.3 times. As in any emergency, stay calm!

That bee, wasp, or spider doesn’t necessarily mean you harm. Swatting, however, can not only cause your car to swerve, but it could rile the insect or arachnid into fighting mode. Bees and wasps are sensitive to movement! The spider is probably just as scared of you as you are of it.

Try to remember that your situation will only get worse if you panic and get distracted. Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. Slow down gradually and find a safe place to pull over. Step away from the car with all the doors open to allow your unwanted passenger to escape. If it needs persuasion to leave, use a rolled-up magazine or your shoe to encourage him to fly off.

Remember, a bite or sting is less painful than a crash! Sadly, these are not the only distractions you can find in your car or truck. A column of ants headed for your cup holder or a mouse scurrying across the floorboards could startle anybody into slamming on the brakes.

Again, stay calm; neither is an immediate danger to you. When parked, you can brush ants away or use a vacuum to remove them. If you can find the mouse, toss a towel or cloth over him and then put a cup or other container over the towel. Slide a flat piece of cardboard under it and then walk him away from the car to release. If you can’t find the mouse, heat up the car. Mice hate extreme temperatures, so roll up those windows and park the car in direct sun to bring the inside to a broil. You can also set your heater run on high until the interior is a mouse Hades.

Unfortunately, one mouse could mean a nest, usually in your engine or within your upholstery. Mice can not only damage the electricals and upholstery, they can also carry fleas and ticks, making them a serious health hazard to you. Spiders love making nests in vehicles for the same reason as mice, they’re cool, dry and dark. You are most likely to find spiders hiding under seats, in glove boxes or tucked into recesses.

Fortunately, unlike the errant bee or wasp who gets in through an open door or window, mice, spiders and other guest pests can be stopped before they set up housekeeping!

Keep your car clean. Crumbs, wrappers, and greasy fast-food bags are all food sources. Remove the buffet and they will look for other accommodations. Give your car a good deep cleaning, detailing can not only remove their food supply, it can also clear any nests or droppings.

Check for leaks and eliminate any excess moisture in the car. Pests need water just like food so cutting down on the moisture means fewer unwanted guests ruining your car.

Essential oil, especially peppermint oil, are a natural deterrent to mice and spiders! Spray your upholstery, trunk and engine to drive them out. Dryer sheets on your upholstery and floorboards, put them in your truck and over your engine block will also bar mice from your door.

Don’t let uninvited pests distract you from driving! Just remember, stay calm and pull over, you’ll both live a lot longer.