The weather is capturing headlines again as we watch Hurricane Idalia skirt Southwest Florida. The storm is arriving almost 11 months to the day that Hurricane Ian hit with unrelenting wind and rain. It seems like every time we turn around there is some kind of crazy weather hitting the United State along with other parts of the world. You won’t believe these wild weather videos I’ve put together for TikTok Tuesday.
Social media is full of weather watchers. So many people are fascinated by Mother Nature. More and more people pull out their phones to capture the beautiful, the outrageous, and the often scary scenes that unfold in front of their eyes. Then, they share it with the world so we can marvel in it as well.

You wont believe these wild weather videos that people around the world managed to get on camera.
You do not need a TikTok account to watch these videos that I’ve assembled. We’ll use mine. All you have to do is scroll down and then hit play. They are all office friendly and not too scary for kids either. One is actually mesmerizing. We are all curious when it comes to weather and the power of Mother Nature. But always use caution. She is not only powerful but also unpredictable and can turn on you in a split second. Stay safe during Idalia. Make sure you are prepared by checking out this hurricane guide.
When you take a break from storm prep, check out these wild weather videos I’ve put together for TikTok Tuesday. Hopefully we wont have any to add after Hurricane Idalia passes us by.