Snake in Lehigh Acres: Brave LCSO Sergeant to the Rescue
Oh, god. Not another snake. There’s a snake in Lehigh Acres and even though it’s not near me… It’s far enough. According to NBC2, the Lee County Sheriffs Office got a call about a snake stuck in a car’s engine. Can you believe it? Now another fear has been unlocked in my brain.
Now, cars tend to make some strange noises sometimes. But I’m betting that a hissing sound can’t be good, especially when it’s a snake inside the engine. The owners of the vehicle called the LCSO and said that there was a large python inside their car’s engine.
Lucky for them, Sergeant Van Pelt was on the case. He’s not just a LCSO deputy, but also a licensed python contractor. Just the guy you need for a snake in Lehigh Acres. And there’s no snake either too big or too small, apparently.
Snake in Lehigh Acres:

Just when he opened the hood expecting to see this giant python, what did he find? Not a huge snake, but a red rat snake just hanging out in the engine bay trying to stay warm. Talk about a small surprise? I bet Van Pelt was like “Seriously? This is the snake in Lehigh Acres I was called for?”
Kudos to Sergeant Van Pelt, for handling it like a pro regardless of the size. He caught that snake and relocated it to some nearby woods. Better him than me, that’s for sure.
No problem at all. Just a regular day, for a police officer skilled at handling snakes.
So what’s the lesson here? If there’s another snake in Lehigh Acres or anywhere near me, for that matter… Call in the experts. Just don’t call me.
I don’t like snakes if you couldn’t tell by now. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to open my car’s hood very carefully. And if I hear a hiss, someone better be opening a coke can.
Cosas que pueden matarte: las seis serpientes venenosas de Florida
With the warm climate we enjoy, there’s more than just New Yorker’s heading to Florida. There are 44 known species of snakes here in Florida, but only 6 are venomous. Of course, it only takes one bite to totally ruin your day, so it’s best to know who they are. I’ve seen so many posts on Facebook of people asking what kind of snake is this, and will I die if it bites me. Most won’t. In fact, it’s best to leave most snakes alone because they’re eating pests that you don’t want around. Rats, mice, those frogs that make your dog sick. Things like that. This list doesn’t include the invasive python which is attempting to take over the Everglades. It’s not a venomous snake. Although it does make for interesting stories when Florida man takes one on.
It’s actually a very short list of snakes that you really need to watch out for. There’s the pit vipers and the eastern coral snake. The truly tricky part is all of the other snakes that try to look like they’re a venomous snake. Those snakes are the equivalent of someone who is all talk but runs and hides once the fight starts.
Anyway, thanks to the good folks at World Atlas, let’s take a look at some things that could kill you. It’s the Venomous Snakes Of Florida
Meet Budman, dynamic host of Marconi Award winning radio station WXKB's WiLD Bunch Morning Show, on B1039. Budman likes to write about funny news, a good Florida man story, stupid criminals or anything involving a superhero. Budman, a comic book and pop culture enthusiast, even named his daughter Kara Zor-El, after Supergirl. His only child is his true passion beyond the mic. Being a dad is his favorite role. Budman, a true family man, balances his love for radio with quality time spent with loved ones and his trusty dogs.